Seeds of Life Montessori Academy
The Benefits of Multi-age Grouping
Jan 31, 2022

One hallmark of a Montessori education is the use of multi-age classrooms. 

Infants and toddlers may be together or separate, with a toddler classroom serving children 18 months to three years. Primary classrooms are for children ages 3-6, with preschool and kindergarten-aged children together. The elementary years serve children ages 6-12; some schools separate into lower (6-9) and upper (9-12) elementary, while many split elementary into two groups. Even Montessori middle- and high-school students learn in multi-age classrooms.

While Montessori is not the only type of education that utilizes this approach, it’s not what most people are used to. What are the benefits of structuring a classroom this way? Read on to learn more...

Learning at an Individual Pace

Children in multi-age classrooms tend to have a little more flexibility when it comes to mastering skills within a specific timeframe. We know that learning is not linear, and that learners have periods of significant growth, plateaus, and even the occasional regression. In multi-age classrooms, children are typically able to work at their own pace without the added pressure of keeping up with the whole group, or even being held back by the whole group. 

When children in a classroom range in ages, everyone has someone they can work with, regardless of their skill level. Children don’t feel left behind if they struggle with a concept, and they also don’t feel bored by repetition of something they have already mastered. Teachers who teach in multi-age classrooms typically have deep knowledge for a range of developmental abilities, leaving them well-equipped to differentiate instruction for each individual child.

Building Stronger Relationships

Traditionally children move from one class to the next each year. This means not only a new set of academic expectations, different routines, and different classroom structures, but a different teacher. 

In multi-age classrooms teachers have a longer period of time to get to know a student and their family, and vice versa. When teachers really get to know a student, they are able to tailor instruction in regards to both content and delivery. They know how to hook a specific child onto a topic or into a lesson. They know what kind of environment a child needs to feel successful.

Parents have an opportunity to get to know teachers better this way, too. If your child has the same teacher for two or three years, the lines of communication are strengthened. Parents get to know the teacher’s style and expectations. The home to school connection becomes more seamless, and the biggest beneficiary is the child.

Mentors and Leaders

When a child spends multiple years in the same class they are afforded two very special opportunities. 

Children who are new to the class are fortunate enough to be surrounded by helpful peer mentors. Children often learn best from one another, and they seek to do so naturally. First and second year students watch as the older children enjoy advanced, challenging work, and this inspires them. They look to the older children for guidance, and the older children are happy to provide it. 

After a year or two in the same room, students have a chance to practice leadership skills. In Montessori classrooms, the older children are often seen giving lessons, helping to clean up spills, or reaching out a comforting hand to their younger friends.

The best part is kids make the transition from observer to leader in their own time. It doesn’t happen for all children at the same time, but when it does it’s pretty magical to observe. 

Mirroring Real-Life

There is no other area in life in which people are split into groups with others who are exactly their chronological age. Whether in the family, the workforce or elsewhere, people ultimately need to coexist with people older and younger than themselves. Doing so makes for a more enriching environment, replete with a variety of ideas and skills. 

Why not start the experience with young children in school?

Moving On

While staying in the same class for multiple school years has many benefits, a child will eventually transition into a new class. While this can feel bittersweet (for everyone involved!) children are typically ready when it is time.

The Montessori approach is always considering what is most supportive of children depending on their development. When formulating how to divide children into groupings, Maria Montessori relied on her ideas about the Planes of Development. There are very distinctive growth milestones children tend to reach at about age 3, another set around age 6, and yet another at age 12. The groupings in our schools are intentional, and they give kids a chance to feel comfortable in their community, while also preparing them to soar forward when the time is right.

07 May, 2024
“My vision of the future is no longer of people taking exams and proceeding on that certification from the secondary school to the university, but of individuals from one stage of independence to a higher, by means of their own activity, through their own effort of will, which constitutes the inner evolution of the individual.” -Dr. Maria Montessori Montessori is perhaps best known for its educational offerings from children aged 3-6. Though other programs for infants, toddlers, and elementary-aged children are also fairly popular and easy to find in many areas, programs for adolescents remain relatively scarce. Many Montessori families approaching the final years of local elementary offerings find themselves asking, “What’s next?” While Montessori-educated children have overwhelmingly positive transitions when they graduate to other conventional schools, it’s only natural to wonder how we might extend the experience for our children. What did Dr. Montessori have envisioned for adolescents, and what options are available for them today? Dr. Montessori’s Ideas Montessori clearly laid out her plans for children from birth through age 12, but beyond that her writings are incomplete. She wrote appendices at the end of her book From Childhood to Adolescence , in which she outlined her basic ideas for an adolescent program. She referred to children of this age as Erdkinder , which in German means children of the earth . The following are some of her thoughts (please note that these are direct quotes and do not reflect today’s gender-inclusive language standards): "If puberty is on the physical side a transition from an infantile to an adult state, there is also, on the psychological side, a transition from the child who has to live in a family, to the man who has to live in society . These two needs of the adolescent: for protection during the time of the difficult physical transition, and for an understanding of the society which he is about to enter to play his part as a man.” "…derive great personal benefit from being initiated in economic independence . For this would result in a "valorization" of his personality, in making him feel himself capable of succeeding in life by his own efforts and on his own merits, and at the same time it would put him in direct contact with the supreme reality of social life . We speak therefore of letting him earn money by his own work.” "Therefore work on the land is an introduction both to nature and to civilization and gives a limitless field for scientific and historic studies. If the produce can be used commercially this brings in the fundamental mechanism of society, that of production and exchange, on which economic life is based. This means that there is an opportunity to learn both academically and through actual experience what are the elements of social life. We have called these children the "Erdkinder" because they are learning about civilization through its origin in agriculture. They are the "land-children."" For more select quotes from her writing, visit this helpful AMI page . Alternately, copies of From Childhood to Adolescence can be purchased here . Considering Adolescent Development Much information can be found about Montessori’s concept of the planes of development. Children from ages 12-18 are considered to be in the third plane. Montessori education is based largely on consideration of developmental markers for various age groups, so the ideals of the Erdkinder arose from the following characteristics Montessori observed to be standard during this stage in life. Great changes in the physical body as the child experiences puberty A need for independence from the family unit, while also requiring support Strong and varied emotional experiences A need for experiential learning Refining of moral perspective Drive to discover their future occupation Elements of a 12-18 Program There are a number of Montessori adolescent programs across the United States and internationally. Many of them cater to middle school students aged 12-15, though there are a small number that include older adolescents and the high school years as well. Dr. Montessori’s original concept involved having students live on a working farm. This would allow them the following opportunities: A level of independence from their families while receiving support from adults Opportunity to engage in physical work that would support their developmental growth while teaching worthwhile skills Gardening, animal husbandry, and handcraft skills Engagement in a microeconomy: students work to earn money via the farm and budget for common purchases Community connection by way of selling their goods to the public Authentic combining of traditional academic learning with personal interests Access to growth and experimentation in the arts Support while refining their senses of independence and purpose within society Erdkinder in Practice Today As mentioned above, it is much easier to find a Montessori middle school program than it is to find one for high school students. They do exist, however, and both types of programs have found creative ways to achieve the same goals as Montessori’s original ideas. It’s not always possible to create the original farm model (although they do exist, such as at this well-respected school in Ohio ). Schools have included modified farming programs on an existing campus or created alternate business models, such as a coffee shop. Hopefully, as interest and understanding continues to grow in the coming years, Montessori adolescent programs will expand. Curious about Montessori? Want to learn more? Contact us today to schedule a tour or discuss whether Montessori is right for your family.
Students and guide in a Montessori classroom
01 Mar, 2023
What, exactly, is the role of the Montessori teacher? How is it so different from that of any other teacher?
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